Daily Archives: December 30, 2014

Size, weight, and happiness

Jayne MansfieldYesterday I saw a commercial on TV and was simply disgusted. I don’t remember the company but it was some stepper/climber thing. The woman on this machine was thin and supposedly fit but her legs were no bigger than a regular person’s arms. She appeared to have no body fat or muscle and was not appealing at all. I could have broken her over my knee.


Sarah Wayne Callies

Another example of a woman much too thin is Sarah Wayne Callies, otherwise knows as Lori Grimes from The Walking Dead. She looks like a skeleton. Yikes!

I understand the desire to be fit and thin but our society has taken it to extreme. At some point someone decided it was no longer acceptable to have curves. Women are now expected to look like sticks in order to be considered attractive. These same women continue to get breast augmentation because their bodies have no body. What do they think contributes to having natural breasts?


I am not thin buMarilyn Monroet I’m not fat. I could stand to lose 30 pounds but I’m also very proportionate and people are surprised when I tell them what I weigh. My clothing size is 12-14 or large. When I’m at the weight I like to be, my clothing size is 10-12. At that weight, my belly is not flat but I have no trouble receiving positive attention. I’msmiley face no Marilyn Monroe, but I can hold my own.



Years ago, sexy looked healthy. Today, sexy looks sickly. In other countries, if you can see someone’s rib cage it means that person is starving. In the US, it’s considered healthy.


average woman 2014

Compared to the 1950’s, today’s average woman is taller, has a wider body frame, and weighs about seven more pounds. Models and actresses in 2014 do represent the average American woman. We are about 5’4″ and a size 12. I am both of those things.


Don’t let Hollywood or someone else’s idea of beautiful color the feelings you have toward yourself. Boys and girls are growing up with a warped sense of what’s attractive and healthy. As long as parents allow their children to believe people should look like what is on TV and in magazines, this expectation of starving yourself to be beautiful will only get worse.

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Modern Day Scarlett O'Hara

Chronicles of one woman’s journey to find, peace, clarity and unconditional love for the little girl trapped within her.

Under Reconstruction

Hope isn't an emotion, but a daily choice.


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Writing as life happens one day, feeling, and emotion at a time

who cares

too much thinkin